mobilization briefs
November 21, 2022

Mobilization in Russia for November 19-20, volunteer summary

Oryol authorities will take away the regional payment from the mobilised who were not sent to fight. Governor Andrey Klychkov amended the decision on a lump sum payment to the mobilised. The residents of Oryol Region, who were returned home by decision of the draft board or medical board, must transfer 50 thousand rubles back to the authorities. If the mobilised do not return the payment voluntarily, they will be charged through court.

In Syktyvkar, according to Sota, a meeting of relatives of the mobilised with two communist deputies took place. Initially, the meeting was supposed to take place at one of the city sites, but relatives of the mobilised were not allowed there, being suspected of inciting extremism. In fact, the meeting was devoted to complaints about trench life. The father of one of the soldiers, Alexander Savinkov, said that his son's unit lives in dugouts, where there are only 18 stoves for 2,000 people, the soldiers are not provided with tools, and they have to buy food in local stores with their own money. Complaints were hindered by a representative of the veterans' society who came to the meeting: he demanded "to stop asking murky questions" and to be interested in the whereabouts of the mobilised. He explained the need to hush up problems in the following way: “You can’t show that everything is bad on our side; otherwise, the Western media will find out about it”. Later, the material about the meeting was removed at the insistence of Viktor Vorobyov, a deputy of the state council of the republic, who stated that it contained slanderous information.

Videos of a summary detention of refuseniks were published by the "Military Ombudsman" Telegram channel. Cases against the mobilised soldiers were opened under the new Part 2.1 of Article 332 of the Criminal Code "failure by a subordinate to carry out an order issued by a superior in the prescribed manner, during martial law, in wartime or conditions of armed conflict or combat operations, as well as refusal to participate in military or combat operations."

Relatives of mobilised people over 50 years old from the occupied part of the Donetsk region of Ukraine recorded an appeal to Putin. They demand to return the men home since, in Russia, mobilisation after 50 years old is applicable only to senior officers. We shall remind you that earlier, the head of the so-called DPR, Denys Pushylin, signed a decree on the demobilisation of university students.

New details of the "rebellion of the mobilised" from Tomsk have become known. The video was recorded in the camp near Chebarkul, not in Elan. And one of the reasons for the dissatisfaction was the ban on furloughs. It was publicised after a governor's visit to the firing range and his refusal to help the mobilised.

ASTRA media outlet conducted the first interview with a mobilised Russian who refused to fight and was released from the basement of the "DPR." Now Mikhail N., a mobilised man from Primorye, wants to obtain a release of other mobilised men who refused to fight and who continue to be illegally held in the territories of the "LDPR."

A press conference of the Council of Mothers and Wives of Servicemen is taking place in Moscow, where participants complain about their loved ones being sent to war. Women's main demands: proper training of soldiers, solution of problems with supplies, and command.

Wives of the mobilised continue to complain about the lack of payments promised by the Ministry of Defense. A husband of a Kuzbass resident was mobilised on October 1 and is already in the zone of military operations. However, in October, he received only 39,372 rubles instead of the promised 195,000 rubles. A complaint to the local administration did not lead to anything; in response, a wife was advised to appeal to the military prosecutor's office or the military court.

The Ministry of Defense publishes footage of combat training for mobilised soldiers. In the Stavropol Territory, the mobilised worked out tactical movement and firing from a grenade launcher, and the mobilised snipers of the Air Defense Forces have been trained in engineering training. The first groups of people's militiamen from the Kursk region have already been trained on the basis of the so-called Wagner PMC. A week-long training course takes place in the Krasnodar Territory.

A mobilised resident of Belgorod, Alexander Noskov, born in 1988, was killed on October 29 in the village of Popivka, Svatove district, Luhansk region.

Teachers in the Krasnodar Territory donate part of their salaries to a fund that raises money for the needs of the army. The specified details indicate the Tuapse Chamber of Commerce and Industry, which is headed by Yuri Getta, a member of United Russia and the former chairman of the Tuapse City Council.

​The court in Arkhangelsk did not consider an appeal against the mobilisation "discrediting the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation". On September 24, Yulia Zheleznyakova from Nyandom posted on VK a link to a petition against mobilisation on (recently blocked by a decision of the Vladimir court). On the same day, the police drew up a misdemeanour charge against her under the article “discrediting the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation”, and the district court upheld the findings of the police. The Arkhangelsk Regional Court did not agree with this decision, and on November 8 it overturned the decision of the district court. The case against Zheleznyakova was dismissed due to the absence of misdemeanour in her actions.​